Nowadays the launch of a new fuel brand is one of the most important ways to develop the refueling business. Major players on the fuel market are already successfully selling their own brands of premium fuel, and that causes a renewed interest in their products. For independent petrol station chains, having premium fuel under their own brand name is a step up that provides them with the opportunity to become more competitive. However, such a step seems rather difficult, because in order to release a premium product you should have your own laboratories, marketing departments, technical support and development services.
Things are so much easier now! Aimed specifically at developing petrol stations which are steadily selling certified fuel and are ready to move into the premium segment, the TopReg Company in collaboration with Afton Chemical Co. has developed a premium fuel - UNIQ. The production of UNIQ fuel does not require any special equipment, and there is no need to gather a lot of documents in order to commence sales – TopReg Company has already done everything to simplify this process for you.
UNIQ is a product ready to be launched. We provide our partners with all the necessary documentation, supply the high-quality additives and the technology for and method of mixing them with the fuel. Moreover, TopReg Company provides professional consulting and marketing support during the launch of the brand. Many companies are interested in promoting fuel under their own brand name.
In this case, we also provide all the necessary documentation and consulting, so they will only need to register their brand.
Another promising type of fuel is branded gas. Government Resolutions require every gas station to be equipped with gas filling modules, but this process has just begun. You can be among the first gas stations which offer premium gas on the market. Currently, TopReg Company is the only Russian company which has the necessary additives for the production of this type of fuel. Apart from supplying additives, we also provide a full set of required documents and a detailed production scheme.
Offering UNIQ premium fuel at petrol stations is a rational and thoughtful decision for your business. This brand product will distinguish you from your competitors at the lowest cost and in the shortest time and our professional marketing support will also increase the efficiency of sales. Your customers will highly appreciate the benefits of modern technology! Become the market leader with us using the most advanced and effective solutions.
Regarding the partnership, please contact our specialists via the channel that is most convenient for you. You can order a brochure and send us an e-mail via the feedback form on our website, or receive advice over the phone. We are looking forward to cooperating with you and supporting your business!